Best Photos 2015 & Year in Review

It’s a yearly tradition on my blog to round off the year with a review of my photos, you can see previous years with this link. This year I didn’t take any underwater photos to review! Oh No! I was heavily pregnant the first half of the year and baby surviving the latter half. My little one is now 7 months and she’s absolutely perfect. I’m only just coming up for air and wondering where all the time has gone? :-/ I’ve had an amazing 2015, however, in early December I started to review my pictures and realised they were basically all dodgy phone photos of the baby! *Sigh*, new mothers. I resolved to at least attempt some nicer ones of her, so you see, the review did serve its purpose of giving me a kick in the butt I needed and many of the new ones made the top ten.

As a consequence I also signed up for the next module of my degree course which had sadly fallen by the wayside as soon as the morning sickness had kicked in (and I was thinking of ditching). The new course is art history, I think I have my work cut out for me but it looks really interesting, next year is going to be really *focused* because I now have less than 2 years to do 2 modules! My new mini site for it is here.

Although I’ve not taken any underwater photos, I’ve not had a bad year photographically. I’ve been published a couple of times (woot) and even got around to processing a video (for world octopus day), although I have so many more (arguably better quality) videos to process and actually a lot of photos languishing in the archives. Perhaps I’ll get around to processing more as I go through them for my 100YearDiary project. I also started a new blog this year (to share my baby & cat pictures mostly 🙂 )

So without further ado, I give you my top ten photos of 2015 (in no particular order)…

honorary mention, Leeloo in a bag:

I hope you guys all had an amazing 2015 too! Happy New Year. Hopefully next year I’ll be back underwater and have something new and fishy to share 🙂