I’m back :)

Apologies for being away from the blog for so long. I was trying to get all of my studying done which was consuming all of my time! Now that’s finished I’m returning to well-loved projects (such as this blog) and my recently rediscovered love of drawing. I’m hoping to also get back to my giant photo archive so I hope to unearth some shots you’ll love. For now here are some Mantas I drew as part of #Inktober (on instagram this month, one drawing per day if you want to follow along or join in I’m @scuba_suzy).

New Flipboard Ocean & Photography Magazines

I don’t know how many of you use Flipboard but I’m just getting into it as a way of archiving all the interesting links I find for a particular topic. At the moment I’ve started curating two magazines, one about the oceans (scuba, the environment, cool photos etc) and one about Photography. Please find the links below if you’d like to follow them in flipbaord.

Oceans Magazine Photography Now

Upfront in the Olympus Magazine

To my surprise my little Olympus OMD em5 review got a mention in the olympus magazine (issue 14) in the upfront section. Here’s a screenshot… I’m an underwater warrior 😉

Olympus Magazine

Losing Nemo – Empty Oceans by 2048?

Blackfish films gives us sometime to think about here:

You can see the video in fullscreen HD directly in vimeo here. I wanted to post this a couple of months ago, but I wanted to post it after all my red sea schooling fish images so you can see what we’ll be losing. Unfortunately, it somehow got left floating about in draft form!

Most people are aware that the oceans aren’t doing so well, but what is going on exactly? Overfishing is one of the biggest problems our planet currently faces and I for one am very glad to have given up seafood but you don’t have to go that far… if you want to get involved, The Black Fish has a page with volunteering opportunities.

Beware the ToS Rights Grab of Headliner

This is just a warning folks….

This came to my attention recently, wordpress.com has integrated a new 3rd Party Service into its post blogging panel (you know, the panel that comes up after you publish a post). I wondered about it – ostensibly it looks like a great service, who wouldn’t want to promote their posts for free across a range of services? Who ever reads the terms of services anyway? Well perhaps you should, when you read the ToS (Terms of Service), they basically are taking the right to do anything they please with your content, no holds barred

section 5c)

You grant to HEADLINER the unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual fully-paid and royalty-free right and license to host, use, copy, distribute, reproduce, disclose, sell, resell, sublicense, display, perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, modify, make derivative works from, retitle, reformat, translate, archive, store, cache or otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User Content to which you have contributed, for any purpose whatsoever, in any and all formats; on or through any and all media, software, formula or medium now known or hereafter known; and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed and to advertise, market and promote same.

Nice. So they have your content forever to do with as they wish. I’m a little disappointed in WordPress.com & their choice of partners. This post isn’t knocking them, wordpress.com provide a great service and I love that its free (funded by the ads they put on your posts but thats ok, they have to make money somehow). This post is to raise awareness of what you are getting into with headliner in the tiny tiny print. According to the complaints on the forums you won’t even get the wordpress stats from traffic flowing through the posts you promote there. I sharn’t be clicking the link but here it is in red in my screenshot so you know what not to click:

headliner screenshot

UPDATE: Headliner.fm have ameded their TOS and commented on this post – please see here. I still have my concerns and don’t feel ready to use the service, see my reply here.

Shark week 2013

As you probably know its been #SharkWeek this week. Shark week was started on the discovery channel in the late ‘80s as a way to educate people about sharks with a weeklong schedule dedicated to them. The only bit of shark week I caught was a blatant fear mongering piece called great white gauntlet, where abelone divers have to face the danger of diving with great whites without a cage. Well so? They are obviously greedy idiots! Abelone are edible sea snails which fetch a load of cash. Great white sharks are wild animals and need to be respected as such. I wouldn’t go sniffing around a hungry lion or a tiger and expect him not to want to eat me. Any wild animal would so why blame the sharks? Its very sad that the discovery channel isnt taken more oppertnity with shark week to raise awareness of for the plight of sharks rather than the “plight” of greedy idiots.

Sharks in the media are often only portrayed as killing machines and whilst I have a healthy respect for my safety whilst I’m in the water with them, mankind is the aggressor here, we kill millions of sharks per year with the barbaric practice of shark fining (hacking off the fins of sharks and tossing the rest back into the sea to slowly starve to death or drown). Sharks don’t produce many young and the demand for shark fin soup has driven many species to the brink of extinction (as an aside, the same folks who like to eat shark fin soup are usually the same folks who like Abelone). As a tribute to sharks worldwide I give you my list of sharky link. If you have any good ones please add them in the comments below.


I choose not the eat seafood but even if you don’t want to go that far why not spread the word and take the pledge?

While you’re at it check out my sustainable seafood guide at the bottom of my sidebar on the right ->

This is a whaleshark from Mexico – they only eat plankton:

This is a woebegone (carpet shark) in Indonesia.

this is the closest I’ve ever come to a hammerhead shark (its plastic :() I’d love to see them in the wild, hopefully I’ll still be able too one day.

I’m taking over @WeRPhotography on twitter for a week

Weekly Photographer

As some of you may know I go by @scuba_suzy on twitter. I tweet mainly about photography and scuba related things with my 140 characters. This week from midnight tonight I’ll be taking over the curated account @WeRPhotography.


So what is a curated account then? Well, essentially its an account that is run by different people. In the case of @WeRPhotography it features a different photographer /photography enthusiast each week to tweet about themselves, their work, their interests, basically anything they like. There are a few guidelines though. My fave of which is tweeting to ask Leonard Nimoy to take over for a week, yes Mr Spock is a photographer of naked ladies – who knew?! Here’s the introduction to the @WeRPhotography account project, brainchild of @JustJimWillDo which explains the whole thing in more detail. And the reason why I’m involved? Well as part of the process of taking over for a week Jim does a little interview with you and on week 6, Rebecca Jackrel recommended me as one of the people she’d like to see take part. So thanks Rebecca, thanks Jim, this looks like its going to be fun 🙂

Harlem Shake Underwater Edition

of all the silly Harlem Shake videos I’ve seen this was the first one I saw and its still the best one …

ps. Dont forget I need you guys to help me sell all my Nikon stuff, here’s the list if you’re interested and I’ll be updating it as things get sold off.


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I’d like to thanks all my friends, family and visitors to this blog for being so supportive.

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog….

Apparently, 600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 8,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 13 years to get that many views.

I’d like to thanks Mark Graf, Poul Brix and Mike Toye for being my top commenters in 2012.

My top visited post for last year was Best Photos 2011 so perhaps my Best Photos 2012 will be this years winner we’ll have to see!

Right, now back to the Champers! Have a Happy New Year!

Scuba Sunday interview by Dive Mistress

Dive Mistress Tara does a Scuba Sunday Interview feature with scuba divers around the world. This Sunday she interveiwed me…

See the interview here: http://www.divemistress.net/2012/suzys-scuba-sunday-v14/